Delivery and returns

. sends all your orders at a reduced rate (displayed in your shopping cart).

This rate depends of course on your order size and the country where we have to send it. Tamar never charges extra costs such as packaging, 'large packages' & administration costs.


'Small order' and other strange surcharges really do not occur here.

The total price of your order is simply what you pay.


Something wrong with your received product(s)?

Contact us by e-mail: or by telephone on +31 343 - 234 234 and we will immediately look for a solution.


In the unlikely event that Einstein really fails to find a good arrangement for you:

Return your purchase within 14 days to Int. Postage Reply 55544, 3505WB Utrecht the Netherlands and you will receive 100% of your purchase amount back.

Naturally, personalized and/or clearly read items are excluded from returning.